1929Birth in Barcelona on 20th June.
1945Produces his first drawings.
1949-1954Escola Massana de Barcelone : free student of drawing and painting.
1952-1956    Works in the technical section of the family publishing house dedicated to the reproduction of religious images.
1956 Engages in the commercial promotion of prints and opens his own publishing business of reproductions.
1959 First group exhibition in Barcelona (Ateneo Colón in Pueblo Nuevo). From then on, he shows his work in numerous group exhibitions both in Spain and abroad (Andorra, Argentina, Belgium, Canada, South Corea, Finland, France, Germany, Hong-Kong, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay).
1961 First solo exhibition (Kasper Gallery, Lausanne, Switzerland). From that year onwards, he exhibits solo, both in Spain and abroad (Belgium, Egypt, France, Germany, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland, Syria, United States).
1962    Founding member of Ciclos de Arte de Hoy and group’s initial exhibition at the Cercle Artístic de Sant Lluc.
Receives the first runner-up prize in the Joan Miró International Drawing Prize.
1964Publication of a study on the painter, written by Cesáreo Rodríguez Aguilera.
1965Awarded the prize of the Cercle Maillol (Institut français de Barcelona) and grant from the French government to spend eight months in Paris, where he studies lithography at the École des Beaux-Arts.
Publication of a second study devoted to the artist with texts by Carlos Areán, Juan Eduardo Cirlot, Arnau Puig and Cesáreo Rodríguez Aguilera.
1967Teaches drawing at the Lycée français in Barcelona until 1986.
First portfolio of printmaking (El coure amb l’àcid i la resina: 5 resultats, with an introduction by Roland Barthes, edited by Oriol Duran). From then on, publication of five more printmaking portfolios.
1968Receives a grant from the Institute of International Education to spend nine months in New York, where he perfects his silkscreen printing technique at the Pratt Center Institute.
Makes his first two short films: New York (8 mm, colour) and Ibiza Single 8 (super 8, colour).
1970Paints a large mural for the buildings designed by Ricardo Bofill’s architecture studio in Moratalaz (Madrid) and shoots a short film, Moratalaz (super 8, colour), produced by the studio itself.
1973Makes the short film Homenatge a Rimbaud (16 mm, colour), sponsored and produced by the Deutsches Institut of Barcelona, with a soundtrack by the composer Joan Guinjoan.
Teaches lithography at the Escola d’Arts Aplicades i Oficis Artístics (Llotja) in Barcelona, where he works until his retirement (1995).
1976Publication of a monographic study, written by Josep Vallés Rovira.
1982Appointed president of the Federació Sindical d’Artistes Plàstics de Catalunya (FSAPC), a position he holds for two years.
1983Graduates in Fine Arts from the University of Barcelona.
Awarded the Mini Print International engraving prize (Cadaqués).
1985Second Lassalle de Arte prize in Barcelona.
First runner-up prize at the F. C. Barcelona I Art Biennial.
1987Re-elected president of the FSAPC (1987-1992).
1988Exhibition of his complete printmaking work in Ulm (Germany).
1989Retrospective exhibition in Paris (Michel Broomhead Gallery).
Publication of the monograph Daniel Argimon, written by Lourdes Cirlot.
Invited by the Union Régionale pour le Développement de la Lithographie d’Art (URDLA) to its workshops in Lyon to produce an edition of lithographs.
1990Appointed member of the Board of Directors of VEGAP (Visual Entidad de Gestión de Artistas Plásticos).
1991Exhibition of the collection of printmaking works produced between 1975 and 1991 at the Museo Nacional de la Estampa in Mexico City.
1993Publication of the monographic study Argimon, by Francesc Miralles.
1994Exhibition of the work of recent years at the Banco Bilbao Vizcaya in Barcelona.
1996On 21st November, he dies of cancer in Barcelona at the age of 67.
His work continues to be exhibited in posthumous exhibitions, including those organised by the Centre d’Art Santa Mònica (1997), the Museu d’Art Modern de Tarragona (1998) and the Institut français de Barcelona (2007).